About Kithu Sevana
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Our Vision
To be a indigenous church planting movement in Sri Lanka and in other countries in obedience to Acts 1:8:
Our Mission
To be a proactive community of believers, holy and separated unto the Lord, faithfully proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, persuading everyone to put their trust in Jesus for their salvation and gathering them to be worshiping communities, living a life worthy of its call.
Our Core Values
- That we will be a church committed to believe, accept and teach the Bible as the Word of God.
- That we will be a church which believes that men and women are saved by grace, a free gift of God through faith in the Lord Jesus, not only to believe, but work hard in sharing this message with every possible person in Sri Lanka and in neighboring countries.
- That we will be a church committed to sound doctrine and yet culturally relevant in whatever district, language or country it operates.
- That we will be a church committed to treating both the rich and the poor as equals. Furthermore, that it would be a church committed to uplift the poor, offering them dignity and self worth.
- That we will be a church not tolerating any racial prejudice or preferences.
- That we will be a church committed to reaching the lost in Sri Lanka and in other countries, as the Lord would lead.
- That we will be a church which will honor the body of Christ by not competing with those who bear the name of Christ, but look for every possible means to cooperate in building God's Kingdom.
- That we will be a church which believes accepts and practices the priesthood of all believers.
- That we will be a church where the gifts of the Spirit will be recognized as given to edify the church and build the Saints, hence believers will be encouraged to use the gifts to glorify God and build the Church. But much care will be taken to avoid extremes; a strict discipline will be enforced to use the gifts in an orderly manner.
- That we will be a church where the gifts will be used in the context of a team of elders, so as to minimize the possibility of one individual only exercising the gifts which has led many to be arrogant and fall away from the faith.
Our Statement of Faith
- We believe in the divine, plenary inspiration of the 66 books of the old and New Testaments as originally given, without error in all they affirm. They are the all-sufficient rule and final authority in matters of faith and practice.
- We believe in God, Eternal, Almighty, Creator of all things visible and invisible; the tri-unity of God, that is the unity of the one true and living God, consubstantial in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, God manifested in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His miraculous ministry, His own complete substitutionaary and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His intercessory work, and His personal return in power and glory.
- We believe in the creation of humanity in the image of God, originally sinless, and that, having sinned by disobeying God, humanity was alienated from its Creator and that all our faculties were corrupted by sin and that this historic fall plunged the whole human race into sin and divine condemnation.
- We believe in the salvation of sinful humanity only through the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Chris, appropriated by faith alone in Him, and issuing in grateful works which evidence regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the indispensability of the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to sanctify, empower and endow the believer with gifts and graces in order to live a holy life.
- We believe that all believers should live a life of holiness and witness in word and deed.
- We believe in the unity of the Church, the Body of Christ, which consists of people from every land, throughout all ages, irrespective of language, culture, social status, education or color who have been redeemed by Christ.
- We believe in the Church as the means of executing God's purposes in the world today through worship, teaching, discipleship, evangelism and the quest for social righteousness.
- We believe in the imminent, personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ to consummate His Kingdom.
- We believe in the resurrection of the body, the final righteous judgment, and the eternal blessedness of the redeemed.