Covid-19 Response

Outreach During the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic took all of us by surprise, it came upon us so suddenly and the devastation is still being experienced worldwide.

Amidst its deadly effect on human lives, we were persuaded to believe that God had allowed it for a purpose – a purpose unknown to us but known to Him. We recognized that our response should not be to throw up our hands up in despair but instead to partner with God. He guided us to focus on the following two areas:

To Care for the poor and the marginalized, especially the daily wage earners who lost their income in an instant and were on the brink of starvation.

  • We have supplied dry rations for approximately 3,050 families from March to June, and a further 1,000 families were given food items during the second wave of Covid-19 in October. Some of these families were members of Kithu Sevana churches, but about 70% of the families were neighbors of our believers and others in their communities whose needs were brought to our attention.
  • We took the first step to encourage and support 650 families develop their own home gardens and provided seedlings and home gardening advice.

To Bless Pastors, Christian workers and their community of believers (outside of the Kithu Sevana churches & believers), who had established their ministries in rural and low-income areas, who lost their source of income and support structure due to the nationwide curfew.

  • We supported 45 Churches and their families with a small allowance, from June to August 2020.