
We have created our sustainability projects to avoid total dependence on outside sources for funding. We have used the model of Paul, the tent maker in encouraging local churches to become an active part of our sustainability programs.

Our Current Projects

Ape Kedella Campsite

We have developed this site to be able to facilitate groups up to 800 people. Unfortunately, since March 2020 all our camp bookings were canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the Sri Lankan government ban on large group gatherings. In 2021 we hope to renew our marketing of the campsite and to generate new bookings as the pandemic restrictions are lifted.

Piggery Farm

This small-scale farm has 50 adult pigs but we hope to expand this in 2021 to 100 adult pigs.

The Coconut Estate

Poultry farm and Vegetable production will also be expanded in 2021 to include 200 coconut tree and to introduce 100 high yielding mango trees.


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